Personal Injury Claim Lawyers for London

An injury can put a real strain on the busy London lifestyle - instructing The Injury Lawyers takes the stress and hassle away from you and gets you back on track as quickly as possible.
London is a thriving city with a diverse population; but it is also a city of accidents with an estimated figure of 46,000 road accidents alone each year - and that figure is rising. It's no surprise given how busy and hugely populated it is! It's no secret or revelation that more accidents can easily occur in more densely populated areas where roads and streets are busier.
Road accidents in London
With so many cars and roads in London you are far more likely to end up in a road accident because of the sheer volume of traffic on the roads. Given how busy London is, even going a short distance by car take a long time, and traffic can be a total nightmare. People tend to get impatient at the severity of the traffic which leads to people lapsing in concentration - and when that happens, crashes will inevitably happen.
So the combination of congested roads and drivers losing concentration is a deadly cocktail that leads to more road accidents. We as a specialist firm of personal injury lawyers represent huge volumes of people who have had road accidents in around the London area, and it never comes as a surprise to us.
So if you have had a car accident in London, whether it's a straightforward rear end collision in your own vehicle, or perhaps where you are a passenger in a cab, you can make a claim for personal injury compensation with The Injury Lawyers.
Slips, trips, & falls in London
It isn't just the volume of road traffic that can be a real problem in the busy streets and places of London - with so many people rushing around, especially during workday hours, people are slipping, tripping, and falling all of the time. The London Underground is an accident hotspot - if you have ever used it or if you are a regular user then we're sure you know what we mean.
So if you have slipped in a busy London bar, tripped on a defect in the city streets, or fallen in the Underground, you may have a claim for personal injury compensation.
Getting you back on track
We know that the London lifestyle can be fast paced and busy - being involved in an accident is always an unwelcome experience, but when a person suffers an injury through no fault of their own and it affects their busy lifestyle, it can be even worse!
We understand that making a claim isn't just about the money. We can get you compensation for your pain, suffering, and inconvenience, but we know that you probably just want to get back on track with your life.
That's why we can offer private medical care for most compensation claims. Our access to the best treatment providers and medical experts in and around the London area means that you can get access to treatment straight away. This avoids the delays and you should have treatment when you need it the most at the start of the initial injury period. We can organise that for you.
We can also fund it for you and recover the costs as part of the claim so you don't need to worry about putting the cash upfront for it.
On the subject of costs, we can recover losses and expenses incurred by you as a result of the accident and injuries. If you have lost any earnings, including overtime and bonus, incurred travel expenses, medical expenses, medication expenses, etc, we can recover those back for you on top of the claim for the injury and the inconvenience.
What to do next...
The Injury Lawyers run all their claims under our 'No Win No Fee' agreement and we aim to get the maximum we can for the claim, in the shortest possible time, and get you back on track as soon as we can. How many London Injury Lawyers can say that?
If you want an experienced lawyer to help win you the compensation you deserve then get in contact with The Injury Lawyers - expert injury claim solicitors for the City of London.
Call us on 0800 634 7575, or if you prefer why not arrange a call back from one of our team, for instant FREE advice on whether you have a claim to make!
Need one of our expert claims team to call you back about an injury? Then please enter your name, the telephone number you would like us to call you back on, the accident type and when your preferred time for ourselves to contact you in the form below.