Watch your back when lifting at work…

Back injuries at work and are fairly common. They can be very difficult to cure and fractures and sprains can cause permanent weakness.

However, you can take steps to avoid manual handling injuries.

1. Your employer has to do all they can to avoid you having to undertake manual handling by you but this is not always possible with some tasks.

2. You must do all you can to reduce accident/injury as well.

3. BEFORE LIFTING any object consider the following points:

(a) Assess the weight of the load

(b) Can manual handling be avoided and aids be used instead.

(c) If not, do you need assistance moving the item/object?

(d) If more than one person will be involved you must work as a team, with one person supervising the exercise.

(e) Assess the need for protective clothing. Consider whether you should you be wearing gloves to protect your hands, steel-capped footwear on your feet; or any other protective clothing?

(f) When lifting you should:

(1) Follow the correct lifting technique.

(2) Lift in stages. First take the load up to the knees. Then lift up to the carrying position. The middle of the load should be level with your waist.

(3) Hold the object close to your body.

(4) Make sure the load does not obstruct your view.

(5) When you set the load down, lower it first to the knees, and then to the floor, keeping feet apart, and back straight.

(6) Remember, over-reaching and twisting the body may cause injury.

Pay attention to clothing. You won’t be able to lift correctly if you are wearing unsuitable shoes or tight clothing which will restrict your body movement.

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