What To Do If You Are Involved In A Road Traffic Accident (RTA)

Unfortunately most of us will have witnessed or been involved in a Road Traffic Accident at some time or other. With the number of cars on our roads ever increasing and with the Department of Transport recording 200,000 injuries every year as a result of RTA’s, we have put together a step by step guide of what you should do if the worst happens.

1 – Record the other vehicles registration number.
2 – Make a note of the date, time, location and weather conditions of when the accident occurred.
3 – Record the name, address and contact details of the other driver.
4 – If witnesses are present, also record their contact details (this could prove vital later in any claim process)
5 – If you or any passenger has sustained injuries report the accident to the Police. Make a note of the incident number and the attending officer’s badge number. You are legally obliged to notify the Police if you are involved in an RTA that results in injury.
6 – Take photographs/ draw diagrams of the scene, no matter how slight you believe the damage to be (again, this could prove to be vital)
7 – Have your injuries examined and recorded by a medical professional and take photographs of any visual injuries that may have been sustained.

For a indepth chat about whether you can claim and who you should instruct following your car accident, feel free to call us on 0800 634 75 75 for the very best advice regarding your car accident compensation claim.

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