Whiplash – Delayed Injuries

The online dictionary defines whiplash as ‘an injury to the neck (the cervical vertebrae) resulting from rapid acceleration or deceleration (as in an automobile accident)’. What a lot of people don’t realise is that a whiplash injury isn’t necessarily something that affects you immediately after an accident. It could well be that you feel perfectly fine in the aftermath of a crash only to later discover several hours later that you have sustained an injury.

Whiplash injuries are particularly common as a result of an accident where you are hit from behind by another vehicle. Common symptoms of whiplash are:

· Stiffness and pain in and around the neck

· Difficulty turning your neck to one side

· Stiffness in the shoulders or travelling down the arms

· Headaches and dizziness

The best thing to do after an accident therefore is to go and get yourself checked out at a hospital.

This is a good example of why you should always exchange details after an accident, even if it seems like you have not suffered any ill effects as a result of an accident. If you have suffered an injury as a result of a car crash which wasn’t your fault, you may have a claim for compensation. Why not give us a call on 0800 634 7575 and see if we can’t help you get the compensation you are entitled to.

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