Dutch Monarchy Drive Man Crazy

The Royal Family in the UK is a subject that offers an array of opinions across Britain but it is unlikely that many would think of mowing them down to voice their dissent towards them. Not so in the Netherlands, where an open-topped bus carrying Queen Beatrix and members of her family was targeted by a Dutch driver with a strong dislike of the monarchy.

The driver ploughed through a crowd in an attempt to reach the bus, killing five people in the process. The incident occurred in Apeldoorm, 56 miles east of Amsterdam, where the royal family watched on in horror. The bus parade was meant to be a celebration of the national holiday of Queen’s Day, to mark the queen’s birthday.

The car crashed in to a monument just metres away from the bus and according to officials the driver has suffered life threatening injuries as a result of the impact. If he recovers he is to be charged with attempting an attack on the royal family and murder.

This sequence of events shows that it really can be anybody who is involved in a road traffic accident with the Dutch royal family fortunate to escape from this incident without injury. Fortunately most road traffic accidents are not premeditated acts of violence and are just a result of a lack of concentration but unfortunately the results can be just as devastating for those involved.

If you were involved in an accident that wasn’t your fault and suffered an injury as a result then you might be entitled to make a claim for compensation. Call The Injury Lawyers on 0800 634 7575 for some free legal advice and see if we can help you make a claim.

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