Compensation Culture!

Compensation Culture‘ has been the catchphrase of the personal injury world for many years now with beliefs growing that you can claim for anything and everything with very little effort or evidence!

The so called compensation culture according to the press is be behind all of Society’s problems! The newspapers continually tell us that everyone is at it – claiming compensation that is!

This view seems to be shared by everyone, the press, the public, Government ministers and anyone else who cares to have an opinion on the subject.

Take the recent outbreak of swine flu for instance; there are cases of individuals convinced that they have caught the flu symptoms from public areas, offices and even hotels! The majority of us normally develop cold and flu symptoms every year due to the weather but because there have been fatal cases in the media everyone becomes fixated on it with a few believing that they must be able to claim compensation.

The fact of it is that; you need evidence to prove that someone has been negligent! As a Claimant you must prove that the Defendant you wish to claim from has been negligent in some way i.e. you were stationary at traffic lights and the Defendant negligently collided in to the back of your vehicle.

You can only claim for what you are entitled to claim. Personal injury claims will require supporting evidence by way of a medical report and financial losses will need to be evidenced by receipts and invoices!

It is worth noting however; out of every 100 people who are involved in road traffic accidents, only 30 will make a claim for compensation!

Compensation Culture – it would appear not! Well take it from me; CERTAINLY NOT!

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