French Spiderman Knows no Fear for Height Regulations!

You may have seen or heard of him in the news; he’s the acclaimed rock climber who knows no fear when it comes to dangerously scaling any large construction he can chalk his hands on!

And once again the Frenchman known as the “French Spider-Man” or “the Human Spider” has wowed audiences of onlookers by scaling the Ariane building in Paris (8th October 2009) with nothing but his bare hands and some sturdy rock climbing shoes, (source).

152 meters / 33 storey’s and a French bobby with a pair of cuffs happily waiting for him at the top of the building later, the “Human Spider” has once again successfully (and rather dangerously, might I add) accomplished another feat of courage and strength that can only be envied in the rock climbing community. As a rock climbing enthusiast myself, I think I will maintain my preference for ropes and a belay, thanks!

What would have happened, if our fearless friend were to have tragically fallen at any stage during his climb? Well I’m no medical expert, but I surmise the outcome would have been quite painful! And it’s the reason why there are regulations in British legislation in place to protect those who have to work at heights – varying from a few metres up a ladder to a builder high up on a scaffolding rig.

Employers have a duty of care over their employees to ensure that any person working at height has received correct and sufficient training!!! So be aware the next time you are asked to clean your boss’ top floor office window for some extra cash on a Saturday afternoon!

As expert personal injury lawyers, we know exactly the regulations that are currently in place under British law, and we know precisely what employers should be doing to protect you from injury! The regulations are numerous, and they cover everything from ensuring a person can safely access and egress to and from a place of height at work, to requirements for safeguards and scaffolds.

Follow the link here to see just how many there are, and how they are applied to the workplace:

Have you had an accident involving a fall from height? Perhaps you have:

  • Had a short fall from a set of step ladders because the ladders have been insufficiently maintained?
  • Fallen through a scaffold board that wasn’t properly secured to the framework?
  • Fallen off a skip-type waste bin whilst being asked to jump on the rubbish to compress it?
  • Been asked to scale a 152 metre high building in a spider man suit?

If the answer to any of these questions is “yes” and you have been injured as a result, then we advise you speak to an expert personal injury solicitor now to ascertain if you are eligible to claim for compensation.

Remember: Employers have a duty of care to ensure you’re safety where height is involved in the workplace! The regulations and guidelines are in place for a reason – to protect you!

Don’t fall for an excuse where working at height is involved – if you have been injured from a fall at work: find out whether you can claim!

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