I’m Very Busy, What Do You Want?

What do you expect when you speak to your lawyer, not just for the very first time but every time you speak to them in relation to your claim?

Some would say rude, abrupt and even arrogant but is this really what you should expect and more to the more to the point, what you should stand for?

In short…No! So, what should you expect from your lawyer and their telephone manner?

Making a claim can be stressful, daunting and often a first for the majority of individuals and therefore it is important that you are made to feel at ease with your lawyer. The last thing you want is to be dealing with someone who has the attitude that they don’t have the time of day for you and have better things to with their time.

You want your lawyer to be friendly and approachable and their telephone manner will be key in getting this across.

A lot can be said for the phrase ‘it’s not what you say, it’s how you say it’ and has never been more true when dealing with people over the phone. It can be difficult to read individuals at the best of times and speaking over the telephone makes that all the more challenging.

Your lawyer should make you feel like you are their priority when speaking to you and not be distracted by their surrounding environment. We all have bad days but your lawyer should make an effort not to make this apparent to you.

They should not use jargon terms but in the same token they should not be patronizing. There is nothing worse than being spoken to like you are the village idiot! If a jargon phrase is used they should ensure to explain what is meant in simple terms and the best way is to try and relate it to something that you, the lay person, may be familiar with.

Your lawyer should always try and end the conversation on a positive note. This may be a reiteration of a plan of action which has been discussed, an undertaking to call you again at a specific time or even just to confirm it has been pleasant speaking and they will keep you up to date.

Don’t stand for an abrupt telephone manner from your lawyer! You don’t and shouldn’t have to. It’s your claim and you have the freedom of choice to be comfortable with who deals with your future so make sure you are comfortable with your personal injury lawyer from the very first telephone conversation.

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