No Win No Fee – It’s Catching On!

It’s no secret nor is it a unique selling point; that the majority of law firms dealing with personal injury claims will offer a “no win, no fee” service. It’s a great way to work, however, always make sure the actual agreement does exactly what it says on the tin (that is make sure the “No Win No Fee” paperwork should match the “No Win No Fee” offered to you)!

If we take on a personal injury claim for you and we win, then we limit our fees to what we recover from the other insurers so you pay NOTHING! Most firms don’t agree to put pen to paper and confirm that they will limit their fee’s to what they recover from the other party/insurers.

Although not all Firms operate the same “No Win No Fee” most lawyers see the benefit in offering you a “No Win No Fee”….

And now it seems we’re not the only ones recognising the clear benefits of utilising such a “No win No Fee” type scheme:

According to BBC News, the NHS Counter Fraud Service in England and Wales itself is now taking part in a “no win, no fee” scheme as part of their anti-fraud campaign that is reportedly costing the public service millions of pounds a year (source).

The report goes on to discuss the problems the NHS has previously had in engaging in criminal and civil action for fraud that has allegedly been existent in the numerous stakeholders the NHS deals with, from GP practices to catering contractors, given the resources and funding required to commence proceedings. With the new “no win, no fee” agreement in place with a law firm named Capsticks, the NHS will enjoy the benefits of discounted legal advice.

So, how does the “no win, no fee” work? Surely law practices worldwide are losing money on time and resources spent on lost cases!?

Well, the majority of firms such as ourselves only take on a case where we believe there are genuine prospects of success; basically, we don’t expect to lose!

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