Woman Dies from Asbestos Exposure

BBC reports today confirmed that a mother has sadly passed away from contracting an asbestos related illness as a result of asbestos exposure while at school.

Diane Wilmore from North Wales was exposed to asbestos particles in the 1970’s during her attendance at a Merseyside School, the report confirms (source). Her death came just one day after a judge ordered an award of £240,000 in damages as a result of her suffering and illness.

The High Court ruled that her inhalation of asbestos fibres in her school days was “foreseeably hazardous”, with this case being the first ever to conclude in favour of a pupil claiming damages as a result of school related exposure to the dangerous silicate.

Initially the local authority in charge of the school appealed the decision, taking the case to the High Court, in which the council were informed that they “did not have a case to pursue”.

The report confirms that the lady had advised the court that her exposure originated from fibres though ceiling tiles in the school toilets, which were often used as a hiding place for pupils’ property.

The success of this case, despite the tragic death of Mrs Wilmore, could now set the stage for other sufferers of asbestos related illnesses to get the compensation they deserve!

With claims such as these it is significantly important to seek advice from an independent expert personal injury solicitor. It is often the case that causation (i.e. how an injury / disease is caused) is difficult to establish and prove indefinitely, with payouts sometimes being difficult to succeed.

Getting an expert personal injury solicitor instructed to act on your behalf could potentially dictate the success of your claim for personal injury!

If you have suffered a similar illness or injury as a result of exposure to asbestos or another industrial product, we advise that you seek expert legal advice now.

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