Seatbelts Stop Injuries

Despite numerous TV campaigns surrounding the issue of the importance of wearing your seatbelt many accidents are still far more serious than they should be just because people fail to wear their seatbelts!

What is the law surrounding seatbelts?

There are various groups dictating who must wear a seatbelt and who is responsible for the belt being worn and the following is a brief guide:

  • The driver of a vehicle MUST wear a seatbelt if it is available à the driver is responsible for ensuring that their belt is worn correctly.
  • Under 3 years of age à MUST use the appropriate seat restraint for their height, weight etc. The driver of the vehicle is responsible for ensuring that they are used correctly and there is only one exception to the rule – when travelling in the rear of a taxi!
  • Children aged from 3 years up until the age of 12 or 135cms in height – whichever they reach first! à Again, the appropriate child restraint must be used. There are a couple of exceptions when travelling the rear of a vehicle and a restraint is not available. An adult belt must therefore be used:
    • in a licensed taxi
    • 2 child seats prevent the fitting of a third one
    • Short journeys – this should only be if the journey is unexpected
    • The driver is again responsible for the wearing of the seatbelts.
  • Children aged 12/13 MUST wear a seatbelt if one is available and the driver is responsible for ensuring this is abided with.
  • Finally, anyone aged over 14 years MUST wear a seatbelt if available and it is the passenger themselves whom is responsible for the wearing of the belt and NOT the driver.

There are several exemptions to the rule but the important thing to remember here is that accidents do happen, so make sure you wear your seatbelt at all times. It is not only ensuring your safety but also the safety of others around you!

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