Sale of Goods and Services Act 1982

Ever heard of it? Its legalisation in place as the guidelines for legal disputes involving products and services sold. And it’s very important!

It covers everything from the liability a manufacturer of a product has to the consumer, to the liability a tradesman has for a service he/she provides. When it comes to personal injury, it is important when establishing liability if a person is injured as result of a defective product or a dodgy service for example.

Here are some important facts you may find useful:

  • A supplier of a good or service must do so with reasonable care; if they fail to do this they are in breach of contract and are therefore negligent, and in turn liable to compensate any person who is injured as a result of the good or service supplied. Even if there is no contract in place, if a consumer can prove the good or service caused there injury, then the supplier is negligent!
  • As with any other claim for personal injury, a supplier of a service in breach of contract is liable for any consequential loss suffered by the victim; a primary example is loss of earnings. The injured victim is entitled to recover loss of earnings as a result of their injuries preventing them from working.
  • What if the supplier says that it was the goods in carrying out the service that caused an accident, and a victim should pursue the manufacturer? Well, despite what the supplier might tell you they are still responsible for the goods they provide if they are faulty, even if due to a manufacturing error! Your claim is against the supplier!


Many of us (myself included; quite recently in fact!) have been involved in grievances when it comes to a good or service purchased. So it is essential to know what you can do about it!

It’s even worse of course to sustain an injury or suffer as a result of a good or service provided, and the consequences can often be rather serious.

If you have been injured as a result of a good or service provided to you, seek expert independent legal advice now to find out where you stand!

Claiming for compensation isn’t just about recovering your losses, but it is about the justice that needs to be served. There are a lot of cowboys out there willing to take your money for a less than adequate good or service! And it is not nice to be injured or have to suffer because of a service provided to an unsafe standard!

So watch out, be vigilant, and do your research when it comes to any product or service you are looking to invest in!

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