Chemical Cause for Baby Bottle Ban

Any products we purchase must be safe to use and to a sufficient standard, with most products nowadays undergoing rigorous health and safety testing to ensure no one can come to harm from its use.

It’s an important element in the Sale of Goods and Services Act 1982 (source), and is even more important when the product is for infant use.

Sky news has reported of a call for a ban on a particular type of baby bottle that contains a chemical that is believed to be linked with breast cancer among other conditions (source). The National Childbirth Trust claims there is “compelling evidence” that the chemical can lead to serious health conditions with some experts believing children are even more vulnerable to the effects.

The chemical Bisphenol A (aka BPA) is used in many plastics found in food and drink containers, and many US bottle makers have already removed the chemical from their products following consumer pressure. Scientists are reportedly divided on the issue; however several laboratory studies have indicated plausibility behind the theory.

The US Food and Drug Administration is investigating the issue, however the UK’s Food Standards Agency has so far stated it has no plans to follow suit. According to the report a spokesman for the FSA has stated they are working closely with the European Food Safety Authority and have investigated the potential risks, and considered that exposure to UK consumers from all sources is “well below levels considered harmful.”

Canada has also reportedly banned the chemical from its products.

Manufacturers of all products, particularly those where the consumer is in part ingesting the product, have a responsibility to ensure no harm can come to any person using the product. This case appears divided on several levels however, so far now it is up to the consumer to decide whether they wish to invest in the product.

However, and person that comes to harm as a result of a product purchased has the right to claim for the compensation they are entitled to. Only a specialist personal injury solicitor representing you can maximise the compensation you are entitled to, and bring your case to a successful conclusion.

Remember: It’s the law – Sale of Goods and Services Act 1982. If you have suffered as a result of a product you have purchased, the manufacturer or even the supplier is liable to compensate you for your suffering. They are negligent in their duty of care over your safety!

Our advice: speak to an independent specialist personal injury solicitor today. Only an expert solicitor can provide you with the best advice and assist you in your claim for compensation!

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