A Bridge too Far – Roof Rips off Bus

“It was a miracle none of them was badly hurt or killed…” – this is the general consensus following the story of the bus roof that ripped off like the top of a tin can after trying to get under a low bridge, the Sun has reported (source).

The bus was full of young children, of which 17 age 9 to 10 year olds escaped with minor injuries and remarkably no one was seriously hurt. A witness has reportedly stated “it’s a good job they were only little kids – if they were taller it would have taken their heads off!”

It is reported there were 52 children and teachers on the bus in total, with 10 being taken to hospital and seven treated at the scene. Eye witnesses state there were children screaming, crying and some even bleeding.  The group were on a day trip to the New Walk Museum in Leicester when the accident occurred.

The 24 year old driver of the vehicle is, according to the vehicles owner Mike Rogers, fairly experienced and was driving his usual vehicle. It is not yet known why the driver took the turning he did, and it is reported that he was in so much shock he had to be carried off the bus by policemen following being seen curled in a ball on the floor shaking uncontrollably.

It’s a remarkable story, and an absolute miracle that no one was seriously hurt! Drivers of larger vehicles are aware of the vehicles height with markings usually provided on the interior of the bus. This is in conjunction with warning indicators that are usually found on the bridges themselves, and on sign posts on the entry roads.

All drivers, in particular drivers of large transport vehicle (Especially ones with kids on!), have an important duty of care to ensure their passengers do not come to harm through their driving. If passengers are injured due to the negligence of the driver, they, or the company they work form in many instances, are liable to compensate for their suffering.

Passengers injured in a road traffic accident always have a claim for compensation; simply because there is nothing they could have done to prevent or contribute to the accident.

If you have been injured in a road traffic accident that wasn’t your fault, you are eligible to claim for the compensation you are legally entitled to. Speak to an expert independent personal injury solicitor today and get the legal advice you need to start your claim for compensation!

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