Drinking Coffee Whilst Drunk Does Not Sober You Up

Further to my recent articles on drink driving, according to research drinking coffee in an attempt to sober yourself up from the effects of alcohol is a complete illusion, the BBC has reported (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/8403088.stm).

Research on mice has indicated that the drink may make you feel like you are sobering up and coming to your senses, but in actual fact is an illusion. The issue here is that people using the drink in order to sober up and subsequently falling under the false influence that they are OK, are more than likely not. The risk therefore of a person getting in to a vehicle thinking they are OK when they are not and causing an accident increases.

The research results showed the mice to be more alert and awake, but still found to be incompetent when navigating a maze following mixed doses of alcohol and caffeine.

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