Speeding: There’s No excuse!

Speed limits are there for a reason – to keep us all safe on the roads! And it’s no secret that many road traffic accidents occur because of the speed limit being broken. So are there any excuses for people ignoring these important life saving limits? Well, unless you’re a member of the emergency services, there certainly is not!

According to BBC reports, England football star Ashley Cole is being prosecuted for speeding in his Lamborghini after he was caught by police travelling at 104mph in a 50 zone when he was caught by a laser speed camera in November last year (source).  

The Chelsea left-back, who did not appear in court, has stated to officers that he was being harassed by paparazzi when he decided to go twice over the speed limit on the A3 in Kingston. Now I can’t imagine it’s easy to be constantly followed by the press looking for a story, but it’s certainly no excuse for dangerous driving risking the lives of other road users and the local public. When Cole was stopped he informed police he was aware it was a 50 zone and claimed to have been travelling at 80mph to get away from the harassment of the paparazzi.

Defense lawyers have claimed Cole has no case to answer and it is alleged the speed gun may not have been operating properly. The prosecution has stated they have no reason to believe the equipment was faulty and the witness evidence from the attending officer was credible.

Richard Lomax, prosecuting, has advised that Cole stated to the attending officer “Can’t you do anything about those idiots who keep chasing me?” Lomax stated “it cannot be a defence to the offence of speeding that one is trying to get away in the circumstances of members of the press showing excessive attention.”

It’s a simple fact, that driving at such excessive speed restricts control of the vehicle. Given that the road was a 50mph limit, it is safe to restrict speed at 50mph. Exceeding this by more than twofold is clearly dangerous and could have potentially ended in disaster and serious injury for any persons involved.

Also in the news recently in Northern Ireland, according to BBC reports, is the current debate over an evening curfew on young drivers in efforts to cut deaths from road traffic accidents (source). It has also been suggested to restrict passenger numbers for young drivers also.

The announcement from Edwin Poots has come after recent figures revealed that 115 people were killed on Northern Irelands roads in 2009 – an increase of 8 from the previous year. The minister has stated “there are still too many people dying needlessly on our roads”. The article also reports that Northern Ireland has a tradition of poor road safety with its rates of deaths statistically higher than those for the rest of the UK.

If you have been injured due to the dangerous driving acts of another road user, you are entitled to claim for compensation for any suffering and loss you may sustain. Speak to an expert personal injury solicitor today and get the right and honest advice as to where you stand!

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