Alcohol Misuse & Personal Injury

We all like a good drink every now and then – and we all know the increasing safety concerns over Britain’s drinking habits that have hit the news over the last few years. And alcohol can often play a major part of a claim for compensation.

In fact, the BBC has authored a few articles recently on the issue. According to one report (source), the Conservative Party has called for a complete revamp on alcohol labelling. The centre-right party have stated that confusion is evident from the use of the term “units” on labelling; they are calling for more specific descriptions in line with most of Europe in an effort to encourage safer drinking.

The Tories (Conservatives) have suggested labelling should detail “centilitres of pure alcohol” and perhaps have a more specific breakdown of the contents, including calorie intake information. Reportedly research has shown only just over half of alcoholic beverages labels adopt the voluntary code of units contained within the drink; despite industry moves to improve compliance. The proposals come as part of the Conservatives new public health strategy, amid claims that the rising levels of alcohol abuse now include the figure that 1 in 10 people are classed as hazardous drinkers; a startling statistic!

So how does this relate to personal injury? Well, ever heard of CICA claims?

These are claims where the victim has been assaulted by another person(s), and sustained injuries as a result. These claims generally are pursued through a Government body known as the CICA (Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority), with the circumstances ranging from domestic abuse to, more often in cases, assaults on nights out; usually fuelled by alcohol. In fact, the majority of new claims we see here at The Injury Lawyers where the victim has been assaulted are on nights out with alcohol as a major factor.

So when can you claim through the CICA? There are a few important factors that must be taken in to account:

  •  Unprovoked: the victim must have been assaulted unprovoked. If you started an incident, it’s more difficult to pursue a claim for compensation.
  • Police: They must have been informed (preferably within 48 hours of the incident). The CICA acquire vital evidence from the Police as part of their investigations in to any incidents.
  • Medical Treatment: It is also preferable (again, within 48 hours if possible) to ensure you have had some form of medical treatment; be it a hospital visit of a GP appointment. The entry in your medical records detailing your injuries and the assault are also vital to the CICA’s investigations.
  • Criminal Record: If you have a criminal record yourself, you may not be eligible to claim for all of the compensation you are entitled to; usually if your previous conviction is related to assault.

We have seen a rising number of CICA claims where alcohol has fuelled violence; and according to further BBC reports, it’s costing the tax payer more than a few arms and legs!

The report (source) details figures from Scotland that suggest alcohol abuse costs every Scot £900 a year; which is a lot of money! York University economists have suggested that the problem may be costing taxpayers between £2.4bn and £4.6bn a year! The Scottish government has stated that the findings strengthen the current argument for minimum pricing on alcohol – which could see the costs of alcoholic beverages sore!

According to the reports mid-point estimate of £3.5bn, alcohol misuse is costing the health service £268.8m and costing social care £230.5m. Crime related costs have been estimated at £727.1m, and the human cost through premature death has been figured at £1.46bn. These are all high figures.

Alcohol fuels violence – it’s a common piece of knowledge. And if you have been the victim of an assault fuelled by alcohol, speak to an expert personal injury solicitor today and find out if you are entitled to claim for compensation.

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