Hazardous Driving in Hazardous Weather!

As I am sure you are aware, we have authored a few articles over the last few weeks on the weather and discussed some useful driving advice in these times of perilous motor conditions! But not all drivers out there appear to be taking heed of the safety warnings and advice that have been plastered all over the news in recent weeks!

According to sources form the Daily Mail (source) police were gobsmacked as they witnessed an elderly motorist driving through the snow with only a small peephole to look out from! Her vehicle was so covered in snow it resembled a frosted topped desert!

The motorist was spotted and pulled over by police driving in hazardous icy conditions with a thick layer of snow and ice covering the majority of the windscreen of her blue Nissan; attending traffic officers kindly provided the elderly lady, whom had nipped out to purchase some food, with an ice scraper! Nearby pedestrians were stunned as they watched her struggle to see out of the small peephole in the windscreen, and the images taken by Devon Police are now being used to remind drivers to use common sense and clear their vehicles of snow and ice before travelling.

Police have also reportedly spoken to the elderly lady’s neighbours and requested they offer to assist her in future. Inspector Matt Lawler stated  “this is an extreme example, but shows how important it is for drivers to listen to the warnings and advice that the police and other agencies are offering. I don’t think we are asking a lot – just for some common sense to avoid unnecessary accidents.”

Although I think it’s fair to note that the incident in question involves an elderly lady to whom I empathise, it’s an important lesson to take heed of. This could have resulted in a serious accident.

Also in the report, there are some motorists making light of the snowy conditions, with images taken in London of the driver who has been seen driving around with four little snowmen on the roof of his car; complete with facial features, arms and even hair! (see the report for the images!).

The report also goes on to mention the two motorists who decided it was a bright idea to drive along a frozen canal; the ice gave way and the pair narrowly escaped death from the freezing water. Police have branded them “stupid” and are looking to charge them with reckless conduct. A police spokesperson has stated “while it goes without saying that the vast majority of people have the good sense not to take their vehicles on to frozen waterways, this incident serves as an example of the type of stupidity that the emergency services occasionally have to deal with”. Please also see the report for the relevant images.

Recklessness and carelessness on the roads, particularly at a time were the freezing conditions are causing motorists chaos, are the ingredients for an accident to take place. Failing to drive with due care and attention is negligence; and if you are an injured victim of another motorist’s negligence, you are eligible to claim for the compensation you are legally and fairly entitled to.

Speak to an independent expert personal injury solicitor today and get the right advice and representation required for you to recover compensation for your suffering.

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