Harassed for Doing His Job!

A 27-year-old parking warden was attacked by a driver who was angry about a parking ticket the warden’s colleague had previously issued.

The warden confirms that they had saw the man at around 3:30 in the afternoon on the 20 November and had issued the ticket to his vehicle which was illegally parked.

Later that afternoon the man pulled up at the side of his victim to have a rant about the ticket, the usual complaints which obviously would not have changed the warden’s mind about the ticket! After his complaint had got him no-were, he lashed out at the warden before driving away from the scene.

The attacker was described as an Asian man with dark hair and clean shaven, around the age of 19-22. He was wearing grey track suit bottoms with a woollen hat, the ticketed car was a silver Honda civic.

BBC news reports that they have not found the attacker and are appealing for witnesses. They are hopeful that many will come forward as the place, London Road in Leicester is a very busy place at that time of day and hopefully someone may have some vital information to piece the puzzle together.

I’m sure we have all been in a similar situation, I know I have, I parked outside my own home but my car was a third onto one yellow line, I received a ticket for this! I was fuming, but it never crossed my mind to go and find the warden responsible to give him a good ‘punching’!

I think the moral of the story is to check, double check, then check again that you are parked in the correct place and if necessary, you had ‘paid and displayed’!

And if you are unfortunate enough to become a victim of such a ridiculous attack, be sure to contact a trusted law firm who specialises in personal injury claims to bring justice to the heartless, idiot who has caused you injury.

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