Are Our Roads Dangerous To Our Health

If you are familiar with our blogs you will know that we keep you up to date with all aspects of personal injury claims and provide regular advice with how to make a claim. We also keep you updated with road safety as road traffic accidents are the most common cause of personal injuries.

How serious are our roads though and how much of a threat are they to us?

The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine carried out research on road traffic fatalities between 1971 and 2005. The results of their research is shocking to say the least, especially as they have revealed that approximately 590,500 people had been bereaved by a road traffic accident in that period of time!

They estimate that 3000 people are killed as a result of traffic accidents in the UK alone every year.

The tragic figures have revealed a huge cost on society and in 2002 it was revealed that if all fatal/serious road traffic accidents in the UK were prevented it would save £17.76 billion to the government.

I am sure these figures are very alarming to many of you, however, we are not trying to scare you in to never driving again; we just want you to be aware how important it is to be careful on the roads.

We are so easily distracted these days by our mobile phones, MP3 players, sat navs and whatever other gadgets the car firms come up with these days! You only have to take your eyes off the road for one minute and you’ve gone in to the back of someone or lost control of your vehicle.

We want to make sure that our readers are safe on the roads, especially with the festive season fast approaching! Stay focused and drive home safely!

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