Artificial Limbs Specialist Struck Off After Fitting Patient With Left Foot Who Lost Right Leg

According to the BBC, Malcolm Griffiths admitted 16 charges relating to 11 patients at a rehabilitation clinic in Edinburgh.

One of the charges which was levelled at Mr Griffiths was that he fitted a left foot to patient Patrick Morrison, who had had his right foot removed after an amputated toe became infected with MRSA following hospital treatment.

Not only that, but Mr Griffiths failed to spot his mistake at two further checkups.

Mr Griffiths appeared before the conduct and competence committee of the Health Professions Council at the hearing in Edinburgh.

Amongst the other charges levelled at Mr Griffiths were failing to keep adequate notes, failing to carry out repairs and leaving a patient in pain.

Mr Griffiths’ lawyer said that his client admitted all the charges against him and requested that his name be removed from the health profession’s register.

This appears to be a gross display of incompetence from Mr Griffiths and it does not look to have been an isolated offence. It comes of little surprise that he has requested to be removed from the register because it is highly likely that he would have been removed anyway given these charges.

Mr Morrison has gone on record to state that he holds no grudge against Mr Griffiths, and that it was difficult for him to spot the error as the artificial foot had a shoe on it. However, he might not have felt this way had Mr Morrison suffered additional pain and discomfort as a result of the fitting of the incorrect limb. It is fortunate that no one seems to have been badly injured as a result of Mr Griffiths’ lack of attention to detail.

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