Cement factory cancer risk fears

A cement factory in Flintshire has admitted safety breaches which could potentially have caused a cancer risk. According to the BBC, Castle Cement Ltd admitted four charges relating to dust and noise nuisances at Padeswood as well as two fires which released potentially dangerous smoke.

The Environmental Agency Wales (EAW) said the £300,000 in fines and costs was one of the highest ever court awards.

The release of the dust and smoke has indicated a possible increased risk of cancer, however Mold Crown Court heard no cases have been detected.

The charges covered a period between August 2005 and May 2007. Judge John Rogers QC said it was accepted there was no evidence of actual harm to any members of the public.

However, it was clear there was potential risk from the dust and carcinogenic materials in the smoke. He said:

“These were persistent breaches of the permit conditions resulting in dust emissions, smoke emissions from burning tyres and other materials, and unacceptable noise levels. Emissions of dust and the fire particles put the general public to some potential risk of injury to their health.”

Despite enforcement notices from the EAW the breaches continued, although the judge did accept that the company had since invested £1.8 million in to improving procedures.

The company admitted that it failed to maintain all equipment in a good operating condition, comply with enforcement notices, operate appropriate techniques to minimise dust emissions and failed to control excess noise and vibration at the plant.

That is a long list of failures on Castle Cement Ltd’s behalf and the size of the fine imposed by the EAW is clearly indicative of their failure to move quickly to rectify the mistakes despite constant warnings.

The company have been fortunate that, despite their failure to deal with the risk posed appropriately, nobody has been noted to have suffered injury as a result. Maybe this large fine will ensure that they do more in future to deal with issues as soon as possible.

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