Knowing Your Rights at Work – What Your Employer Should Do To Protect Your Safety

As most people’s time at work is limited and often very busy, it is often easy to overlook the safeguards that your employer should be putting in place to maintain your welfare at work should you have an accident. What follows in today’s blog is what you should expect from your employer.

The Health and Safety at work regulations 1999 set out many of your employer’s responsibilities to you as an employee, here are some of the ways they help make your workplace safer:

  • They provide that your employer must make a risk assessment to any risks to your health and safety and to make sure that such risks are identified and removed or (at the very least) the risks should be limited in affecting the safety of employees where possible. 
  • Following on from this they should make you aware of these risks and how you should deal with them by having an appropriate policy in place.
  • Your employer will also appoint a suitable representative who you can approach regarding any health and safety problems who you can voice your concerns to.
  • Your employers should back this up by providing written documentation about any risks to you and how these are dealt with by your employer.
  • Conscientious employers should provide you with health and safety training when you start work with them and also on every occasion that new potential risks arise.   

If you have an accident at work that wasn’t your fault and you wish to make a claim, it is worth bearing these key duties of your employer in mind – if they have not followed them it will help Your Lawyers work to bring you the amount of compensation you deserve.

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