Air Traffic Control: Childs Play, Apparently…

I don’t know about you, but I can sympathise with anyone who has ever been a little nervous stepping on to a plane. Let’s put it into perspective; that massive white metal barrel your stepping in is going to be flying tens of thousands of feet off the ground! So you’d like to think that airlines and airports take safety very seriously. But according to two separate report s from the BBC, we may not be as safe as we think…

According to a recent report from the BBC, a Swedish pilot was arrested by Dutch police just moments before he was to take off in a jet from Amsterdam to Turkey carrying 101 people – without a license! (source)

According to Turkey’c Corendon Airlines, the unnamed 41 year old mad has been flying for the airline for two years, and were quoted to have said the perjurious pilot “expertly misled the company with his false papers”. The man in question once had a license to fly small planes, however this was overdue, and doesn’t really  stand as much comfort for anyone to be honest either! According to the report, the man was “relieved his long deception was uncovered and tore off his pilot’s stripes in the cockpit.” He is now rightly in police custody  awaiting trial.

Scary thought really – that a man had been allowed to fly such a plane unqualified, jeopardising not only the lives of those on board, but anyone on the flight route should a crash have occurred! Safety regulations for airlines should be a massive priority! Its concerning that this incident occurred, and the airline would have been responsible for any accidents that may have occurred.

But the recent stories of air traffic gone mad don’t end there – according to a separate report from the BBC, officials in the US are investigating how a child was allowed to direct air traffic at JFK Airport last month!

Yes, that’s right – from a phoney pilot to a child directing air traffic!  According to the report, the boy was caught on audiotape directing several pilots for take off at one of the countries busiest international airports. The boy was apparently with his father, a certified air traffic controller.

The report has detailed some of the exchanges in the recording:

Boy “JetBlue 171 contact departure.”

Responding pilot: “Over to departure JetBlue 171, awesome job.”

In a second recording:

Boy: “MS 4-0-3, contact departure. Adios, amigo.”

Responding pilot “Adios, amigo.”

The incident took place on 17th February when New York school students were on a weeks break. An adult is also alleged to have been heard saying – “That’s what you get, guys, when the kids are out of school.”

Those involved are no longer directing air traffic whilst the investigation commences. In a statement from the Federal Aviation Administration, it was stated “pending the outcome of our investigation, the employees involved in this incident are not controlling air traffic. This behaviour is not acceptable and does not demonstrate the kind of professionalism expected from all FAA employees.”

Another scary story; not just because of the gravity of these two incidents, in that unqualified individuals were permitted to take the lives of hundreds of people in to their hands, but what does it say about safety and security for the industry in the current climate where terrorism is a still significant issue! I’m certainly glad I wasn’t on any of the flights involved.

Airlines and airports put the lives of hundreds of individuals in to his hands on a daily basis – so we expect them to comply with stringent regulations. Failing in this leaves them liable for any accidents – and it’s certainly a miracle that no accidents occurred!

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