Help! I’ve been in a Car Accident!!!

I mentioned in my latest article (Dangerous Dozing Drivers) that road traffic accidents are not uncommon – and we at The Injury Lawyers take on a great deal of new road traffic accident claims on a daily basis. But what should you do if you have been in an accident that wasn’t your fault? Well here’s a little friendly advice for you: –

1. Don’t Panic!

I know – this is a lot easier said than done! And of course is rather circumstantial if you have been involved in a big car accident… But try not to panic and try to remain calm. It’s likely you are in shock from the impact, and may be feeling a little dazed and unsure what to do. This is probably the hardest part – but if you can keep your head together, then the next steps might be a little easier.

2. Make a Mental Note of the Vehicle that Hit You

Before stepping out of the vehicle to speak with the driver at fault, make a note of the vehicle that hit you (make, model and colour), and make sure to write down the registration number! This may be particularly useful if the driver decides to drive off! (Although I am sure this isn’t too common occurrence). It’s always handy to have a notebook and a pen in your vehicle for this kind of situation – the power of the pen and paper may just end up being very useful!

3. Remain Calm and Speak to the Driver at Fault

This also may be a little tricky – especially if the driver at fault is not so cooperative. The priority is to exchange details; make sure you take a full name and address and a contact telephone number, and if you were unable to note down the vehicle information advised in step 2, then make sure to note this down. Emphasise on exchanging insurance information – although if you are unable to do so, then the contact details and vehicle details will suffice.

4. Witnesses? Speak to them!!!

If there are any friendly bystanders or other road users who have been kind enough to stop off and give you a hand, make sure you speak with them and exchange some details with them. Names, addresses and contact telephone numbers are the useful ones again here – and you never know, their information may prove useful at a later date.

5. Have a Safe Journey Home…

Depending of course if you vehicle is safe to drive! If you are unsure, then it may be wise to call any breakdown assistance you have or a local garage, or perhaps call a family member or friend to come and meet you. If you do not feel confident to drive (perhaps if you are still suffering from shock), then it would certainly be wise to speak to a family member or friend and get them to come out and meet you as soon as they can. Make sure of course your vehicle is in a safe location off the road.

So what about the next few days? You may have already started to feel a bit of pain from the accident – which is commonly whiplash sustained from the impact. You may even feel absolutely fine for a few days (albeit perhaps a little shocked still), and then you start to feel some pain in your neck, back and shoulders. Again, more likely whiplash – which sometimes the symptoms don’t show until a few days after an accident. So what should you do now?

Well here is where we can really help! Whiplash, or any injury sustained from a road traffic accident, is not a nice thing to have – and can hinder your work activities and general day to day activates. If the accident wasn’t your fault and you are suffering because of it, then you are eligible to claim for the compensation you are legally entitled to recover.

The best advice we can offer you is to speak with an independent expert personal injury solicitor. You may have already consulted your insurers with regards to arranging for vehicle damages – but one piece of advice to certainly head is to never let insurers deal with any claim for personal injury! They are likely to sell your case on to a third party solicitor – often through something called legal expense insurance – of which the problem here is that you do not get to choose who represents you, and you may not always get the best firm (it’s more than likely you will get the highest bidding one!). And a firm that’s already paid up to £800 (yes, £800!!!) to buy your case has less resources and time to spend on making the best out of your claim!

Speak to a specialist personal injury lawyer for free, no obligation advice on claiming!

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