Cerebral Palsy Claims

Cerebral Palsy is a collective term for muscle impairment disorders which are consequential to damage caused to the brains motor ‘area’.

Cerebral Palsy most commonly begins during pregnancy and it is often the case that you will not know your child has the condition until months, even years, after the birth. There are several causes and the majority of the time they cannot be prevented no matter how careful you are during pregnancy. You can take precautions by ensuring that you watch the level of alcohol and cigarettes consumed during the pregnancy.

However, there are a small percentage of cases which have been caused by clinical or medical negligence;

  • Delaying the delivery of the child causing the brain to be starved of oxygen
  • Using the delivery forceps in an inappropriate manner
  • Failure to diagnose and treat serious medical conditions such as jaundice and meningitis
  • Resuscitation following the birth
  • Tests following the birth such as brain scans/MRI scans

The above list is only a small example of possible causes of Cerebral Palsy and if you suspect (or know) that your child, family member or friend has developed Cerebral Palsy as a result of poor treatment during or following a pregnancy/birth then you may be entitled to make a claim.

Making a claim for Cerebral Palsy is complex and you should seek the advice and guidance of a Solicitor whom has experience in dealing with such claims.

Cerebral Palsy is a devastating condition which affects not only the sufferer but their family and friends and it can be an emotional and challenging for all concerned. By enlisting the help of a specialist Solicitor you will ensure that you receive the best help and support to progress the claim.

When selecting a Solicitor to deal with a claim such as this you need to make sure that they have the relevant experience; research, ask questions, find out your Solicitor’s track record of dealing with complex personal injury matters. What are they offering, face to face consultations, a good team, relevant legal representation and medical experts?

Making a claim for Cerebral Palsy can be complex and of a high value so it is important to select a team who will support you 100% and who you feel comfortable dealing with.

You have 3 years to bring a claim such as this however for children they have 3 years from their 18th birthday.

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