Helpless driver caught under the bumper of a tanker at 60mph!

Roads are dangerous places – it’s a fact! And as safe as we make them with speed limits and the strict rules of the road, on occasions accidents just cannot be avoided. As specialist personal injury lawyers, we represent countless victims in traffic accidents – and we have seen some remarkable collisions over the years, believe you me!

But this next story really is remarkable! I can honestly say I have never heard of anything like it before! And thankfully, tragedy was averted.

According to sources, the driver of a Renault Clio was trapped under the bumper of a tanker and shunted at 60mph for almost a mile before the driver of the lorry was made aware of what was taking place at the front of his truck.

Take a look at the YouTube video below… It’s unbelievable!

The incident occurred when Rona Williams’ Clio hatchback was clipped by the lorry causing her vehicle to twist sideways and become caught under the bumper. Despite sparks flying and the drivers attempts to stop the tanker by sounding her horn and putting her handbrake and hazard lights on, the truck driver seated in his high cockpit position was completely unaware of what was going on right beneath the nose of his tanker!

Ms Williams, understandably terrified, dialled 999 after screaming “I’m going to die, I’m going to die!”

Reportedly the operator attempted to calm her down, but to little avail, and of course being unable to offer any assistance to her over the phone!

Ms Williams told the Daily Mail:

“I kept thinking, nobody knows I’m here. Nobody has seen me… I tried everything. I was watching other cars, thinking, help me, just help me – but they didn’t seem to be doing very much.”

Thankfully, the tanker driver eventually became aware of her presence and was able to manoeuvre on to the hard shoulder, bringing both vehicles to a safe stop. The driver of the Cheshire Acrid Transport company reportedly didn’t seem too concerned at the incident, and has been suspended pending a company investigation.

Remarkably, Ms Williams was unhurt and her Clio suffered only minor dents to the vehicle’s side and damage to the tyres!

It’s certainly a miracle that no one was seriously hurt in this accident – it could have been so much worse!

If you are ever injured in a road traffic accident that wasn’t your fault, then speak to our team here at The Injury Lawyers – we are specialist independent solicitors that can help you claim for personal injury compensation.

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