Had an Accident? Who You Gonna Call?

Certainly not one for the Ghostbusters! But when you’ve had an accident and you want to claim for the compensation you are legally entitled to recover, or you want advice on claiming, it’s an important question to ask. Who should you call? Well that’s completely up to you…

So you want to claim or you need advice – decisions decisions! There’s so many companies out there offering you so much; it’s a hard decision to make – probably as hard as deciding who I’m going to vote for in the election this year! So here’s a list of things you should tick off as part of the decision making process!

  • Solicitor: Get one! It may sound daft, but what ever you do don’t fall prey to claims management companies or insurance companies offering you deals. Go direct to a solicitor! Only a solicitor is properly qualified to represent you for your claim! And make sure it is actually a solicitor representing you for your case – not some unqualified claims handler.
  • Don’t get charged: A proper solicitor should offer you a proper no win no fee – what this means is that an unsuccessful claim leaves you with no charges, and you get 100% of any compensation awarded for a successful claim! So no charges either way!
  • Independent Specialist: Don’t just choose any solicitor – Get an expert on your side! A solicitor only dealing with personal injury like ourselves are experts in the field – its all we do! And make sure its an independent one – not attached to any claims management company or insurer – you don’t want a firm that pays for your claim, leaving less resources to spend on you.
  • What do they do for you?: Ask a prospective solicitor – just what do they do to make sure you get the best out of your claim? How will they ensure to maximise your entitlement, and work quickly to settle the case as soon as possible without hindering the outcome?

Make sure to probe a solicitor you speak to with the questions you need answering! Us specialists will provide you with the best service out there, and will be able to answer any questions you have on claiming!

So remember – the choice is YOURS! Look around and see who gives you the best advice, and who offers you the best service!

Speak to an expert independent personal injury lawyer today for the best advice on claiming!

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