Runaway Trailer Injures Cyclist

Another story of a rather unusual road traffic accident type incident; and perhaps a lesson to be learned on making sure that not just your driving needs to be up to standards, but your towing needs to be safe as well…

According to sources from the BBC (BBC news source), a man has been fined after a teacher suffered severe injuries when a runaway trailer collided with his bicycle as he was training for a triathlon. It was at one stage feared that Kevin Hamilton would lose his leg after suffering damage to the leg, pelvis and hip area following the incident. Thankfully, following surgery, several weeks in hospital, and reportedly Mr Hamilton’s courage, he was informed he will make a recovery.

The court that Mr Hamilton was cycling on the A489, Abergwyddol, when the trailer detached from contractor Michael Byrne’s oncoming van. The trailer consequently collided with Mr Hamilton with force, throwing him in to the air. He landed back on the road and reportedly ‘bounced’ in to a nearby hedge causing him his severe injuries.

Mr Byrne admitted to careless driving, and was subsequently fined £500, and a further £100 for defective tyres, as well as being ordered to pay £400 in costs. He was originally going to stand on trial for dangerous driving; however the prosecution accepted a guilty plea of careless driving for his actions.

According to the report, Judge John Rogers QC stated that the “carelessness did not arise from the manner of his driving, but by failing to ensure that a pin was properly in place to secure the tow pin when he set off from his depot.” The Judge also took in to account that Mr Byrne had fitted a new hitch with pin and clip just days before the accident occurred, according to the report.

When it comes to road traffic accidents, as with this case, it’s not just a person’s driving that needs to be to a standard that ensures no other person comes to harm. All drivers have an important duty of care to ensure that our vehicles are maintained appropriately, and anything that we attach to them is secure. In this instance, Mr Byrne failed to adequately ensure that his trailer was safe for towing, and he has been found liable for Mr Hamilton’s damages.

If a person is found to be negligent and you have been injured as a result, it’s more than likely you can claim for the compensation you are legally entitled to recover. Speak to an expert personal injury solicitor for the best advice on claiming!

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