Former Abused Altar Boy Suing Church For Compensation

Wilfried Fesselmann is an extremely hurt and angry man, and after you hear his story, you can’t fault the man for feeling this way. Mr Fesselmann claims he was abused by Rev. Peter Hullermann when he was just 11 years old. The then young Fesselmann confided in a friend about his nightmare, who inturn told Fesselmann’s parents. They acted accordingly and after the complaint was made, the Catholic Church, relocated the Rev. Peter Hullermann and ordered him to take therapy.

It’s just another awful story, one of thousands that has surfaced recently about the failings of the Catholic Church in their accountability to properly deal with the scores of twisted pedophile priests.

Wilfried Fesselmann is demanding an apology from Pope Benedict XVI but furthermore he is looking to be compensated for his turmoil “even if the church goes bankrupt.”

“Actually, a general apology by the pope is not enough for me,” Fesselmann said. “What about a private audience for all victims abused by Hullermann?”

Fesselmann is now seeking financial compensation against the catholic Church, stating that “There needs to be a compensation so that the victims at least get some money — even if the church goes bankrupt over it,” he said.

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