How Much is My Claim Worth?

And the answer is…. I don’t know! In fact, without medical evidence, no one knows exactly how much your claim could potentially be worth. We experts could give you an idea or two, but ultimately it cannot be determined without good, independent medical evidence.

So How’s it Work?

Well what us specialist personal injury lawyers always make sure to do is get you seen by an independent medical expert. A consultant specialising in medico-legal reporting is qualified to assess the full extent of your injuries. They will produce an expert report that will give us all the information we need to value the claim. We then use a combination of our extensive experience combined with some quality case law (cases with similar injuries and similar accident circumstances), and the JSB (Judicial Studies Board) guidelines in order to put some pounds on your injuries.

So What’s Next?

Once we have fully assessed the medical evidence we will disclose the evidence we have to the other side (defendants insurers, solicitors, or claims representatives’) and invite them to make an offer for settlement. They usually come in with a low offer – so we use our experience and knowledge to fight them for the maximum you are entitled to recover under the law. We won’t just let them get away with under settling claims; we will fight them for every penny your claim should be worth. And we will make sure we get it! It’s a bit of a bargaining process to be honest.

What Else do we do?

Well you’re not just entitled to claim for your injuries – we will recover any losses you have incurred that are a direct result of your injuries! The biggest example here is loss of earnings; if you’re off work for a week and you’re not paid for it, we will claim it back for you! If you pay for any medication, we will claim it back for you! Just make sure to keep receipts for the things you’ve paid out for, and we will aim to claim it back for you!

Another big one here that people often miss off is care and assistance – you can claim back a figure for the hours another person has put in in helping you whilst you’re injured. Even if it’s a family member and you haven’t paid them, you are still entitled to claim back a sum for the work they have put in helping you out! So make sure you don’t miss out on this as it can potentially make up a large proportion of your overall claim! Us specialist injury lawyers never miss anything out – you will get the maximum you are entitled to recover!

What Should You Not Do?

Never accept any offers from the third party directly! A big example here we refer to as “Third Party Capture”. This is when the third party (usually insurers in a road traffic accident) contact the victim and offers them a quick cash lump sum settlement for their injuries. But without medical evidence there is no way they can assess your injuries – so the figure they’re giving you is completely fabricated!

Only with a specialist personal injury lawyer representing you can you make the best of your claim! So choose your solicitor well! See who offers you the best advice!

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