Slips and Trips Claims

It’s quite surprising how many accidents occur due to the state and condition of Britain’s pavements. It seems that many slips and trips for the general public are the result of poorly maintained surfaces, pot holes (which can be very hazardous!), and ill fitted man hole covers. It’s crucial that pavements are maintained on a regular basis to avoid the cost of accidents.  It’s often very important to write letters of complaint to your local council should you feel an area of pavement is unsafe to use.

According to statistics published by Unison (source – please be aware that this a link to a PDF page), slips and trips are responsible for 33% of all major accidents at work which have been reported to the HSE. Sources quote that 20% of absences at work for a period of longer than three days are due to slips and trips. They also make up 50% of all accidents reported by the general public. Slip and trip accidents occur once every three minutes and 95% of major slips and trips result in broken bones.

Instances where slips and trips have occurred in the workplace might have been avoided if the correct Health and Safety regulations were adhered to. Sometimes accidents have happened because the situation was unsafe and you were at no fault.  It’s very important that all aspects of slips and trips are recorded so that, should you wish to make a claim for compensation, the claim can be investigated properly and a satisfactory outcome can be achieved. Recording the details can also be very beneficial to try and avoid the incident from reoccurring.

It’s usually very worthwhile to pursue a claim for compensation as a result of a slip or trip. Always record the circumstances of the accident and what caused you to have the accident in the first place. This is a key factor to any claim to distinguish who may be at fault of the accident. Record any expenses you may have incurred as a result of your accident – perhaps you have lost earnings if you have had to take time off work. Think carefully before pursuing you claim; who is going to be the best firm for you?

Independent firms of solicitors are the best as you will know that your slip and trip claim has not just been sold to the highest bidder – avoid “middle men” at all costs – you have the right to deal with your solicitor directly, and in the long run it will make your claim easier for you.

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