Restaurant Claims

When you choose to eat out at a restaurant you expect a certain level of service, if this service isn’t provided it can often be quite annoying and unpleasant. You would also expect the food to be cooked properly and the presentation and maintenance of the restaurant to be of a satisfactory standard.

If you have ever been involved in an accident or were injured or harmed when eating at a restaurant, it might be worth considering making a claim for compensation.  For example, if you became ill after eating food that wasn’t prepared correctly you may have a potential claim for compensation. If you fell over due to the negligence of staff i.e. you slipped on the floor due to spilt water or you tripped over some unattended items, again, you may have a claim for compensation.

Many people will have heard of and remember the compensation claim for the scalding coffee served at a McDonalds restaurant in New Mexico, America. Sources confirm that Stella Liebeck received $200,0 00.00 in compensation, Stella suffered third degree burns due to the sheer temperature of the coffee she was served

Restaurants have a certain duty of care that must be adhered to when dealing with the public. Strict laws are in place to reduce the risk of accident and injury. Restaurants must ensure these laws are adhered to, as penalties can apply if they do not.

If you have had a bad experience at a restaurant it’s always advisable to record exactly what happened. Examples of Important information to think about and record are as follows:

  • What were the circumstances of the incident?
  • Who was at fault for the incident?
  • Where you assisted by a member of staff?
  • Was a member of staff notified and if so what measures were carried out?
  • How has the incident affected you?
  • What costs have you incurred as a result of the accident

It’s also always best to attend hospital or visit your GP after an accident, no matter how minor your injury may seem. That way your medical records can be used as evidence in pursuing a claim for compensation. Always try and keep receipts for any items you may have purchased as a result of the incident. The more information you can collate, the stronger your claim for compensation will be.

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