Claiming against the NHS

We have all heard the horror stories of incidents that have gone wrong in hospitals – patients who have been left in appalling circumstances due to the negligence of NHS staff members, for example.  Even what would appear to be simple procedures have sometimes gone very wrong indeed. But why are these horrible circumstances so common? We would expect in this day an age that this kind of thing is not as common as it once was. However, it seems that most people know of someone who has been a victim of negligence from the NHS.

In 2006 the BBC covered a story on Baby with a Broken Wrist (source). Mr Hulme, 32, took his young daughter to the A&E unit at Frenchay Hospital, Bristol, following a fall. The Senior Doctor who examined Mr. Hulme’s little girl concluded that she was fine to return home with no further treatment following the clinical examination.

The following day Mr Hulme took his daughter to their GP surgery saying that he was worried his daughter may have a broken wrist. It was confirmed by Doctors at the Children’s City Hospital that the little girl did in fact have two factures to her wrist. Mr. Hulme had reported that he knew his daughter was unwell, sources confirm. Apparently, she had been screaming and turning in her sleep. She was unable to walk properly as she had lost her balance.

These kinds of reports are very disturbing and upsetting; you put your trust and belief in the hands of a medical expert, believing that they are a professional, and believing that they are fully trained and have the relevant knowledge in their field.

If you feel that you have been neglected by the NHS and you feel that you have been harmed or disadvantaged in a particular way, you should consider making a claim for compensation.  First things first, you should record the circumstances of the incident – what happened? How has it affected your life now? Are you still in any pain or discomfort? It’s also best to make a complaint directly to the NHS; you will find a complaints procedure online, or you could also ask the help of an NHS member of staff.

It’s also advisable to consider enlisting the help of a specialist; that way you will have the representation and guidance you need to proceed with your claim and see it through to a successful conclusion. It’s useful to research the benefits of the company you are looking to choose – how will they help you over any other company?

When you have chosen the right company for you, by having a personal Injury solicitor you will be able to obtain updates on the progress of your claim from start to finish, your solicitor will be able to help and advise you of the best path to take and they will also be able to provide you with assistance when it comes to accepting the settlement sum for your claim.

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