Getting a Lawyer – Don’t be Afraid!

If you’ve been in accident that wasn’t your fault, it’s always best to get advice and representation from a specialist injury lawyer. But the first problem is – who should you choose? And many are often a little afraid and concerned about instructing a lawyer because they fear being hit with massive legal fees they cannot afford.

Well fear not! Because the whole no win no fee and 100% compensation is actually true in the majority of instances! There are a few things you need to make sure of first; so here’s a little guide as to how it works and what to look for in a lawyer!

No Win No Fee – How it Works

Well, the no win no fee is a real thing! And it’s true that under the agreement, proper solicitors like us cannot charge you! The reason for this is that we experts only take on a claim if we think it has good prospects for success; therefore essentially we don’t expect to lose it. So because we don’t expect to lose it, we expect that the case will win and we will recover our fees from the other side! It also shows the victim that we are prepared to fight hard for their claim and fight to make it a success!

So, if we believe your case has good prospects of success, we can offer to take the claim on under the no win no fee agreement. And if the case does end up being unsuccessful, we don’t charge you for the work; not a single penny! It’s written down in black and white.

100% Compensation

We proper solicitors will recover our fees from the opponents’ insurers or representatives – we’re completely entitled to do so! The reason for this is that the victim would not have been fully compensated if they have to pay out for high legal fees at the end of their claim. So it’s only fair that those at fault cover those fees, therefore compensating the victim fully for their suffering!

But watch out! Because under most law agreements, solicitors could still charge you if they fail to recover all of their legal fees in full! What most agreements say is that they will seek to recover their legal fees from the other side. In most instances, a law firm still wouldn’t charge. But we at The Injury Lawyers added a safety net to our agreement, stating that we cannot charge you for a successful claim; we actually restrict our legal fees to whatever we can recover. That way we can actually guarantee you 100% compensation! No deductions, no charges!

And beware of claims management companies! These are companies that often refer your case on to other solicitors for a referral fee. These referral fees are not recoverable as part of the solicitors costs entitlement from the other side; therefore either their service levels fall seriously short of the best or they may even take a percentage from your compensation! Taking a percentage of your compensation is a complete scam to be honest!

You should never ever be charged by your solicitors!

So, What Should You Do?

Look around and see who offers you the best advice! Make sure there are never any charges to you for your claim for compensation – you should never ever be charged a single penny for putting a claim in! The only way any solicitor should be able to charge you is if you cancel their instructions part way through the claim, or you fail to cooperate with them; let’s be realistic, this is fair enough.

But should you ever need to transfer solicitors because your solicitors are not getting the best out of your claim, you are free to do so at any point without cost penalty in most instances. Costs for your previous solicitors can be reserved until the end of the claim, with the work they have done recovered in the costs process. So they aren’t losing out for the work they have done so far.

For further advice on how the no win no fee works, don’t hesitate to contact us at The Injury Lawyers for as free, no obligation chat about claiming. We promise to give you the honest advice; so fire away with any questions you have; We’re happy to help you!

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