Grandmother Killed & Grandchildren Left Fighting for Lives

I’ve said it before, and I shall say it again; road traffic accidents are a common occurrence – they do happen all of the time. It’s always a tragedy to hear of a severe car crash resulting in life altering or even fatal injuries, but it’s even harder to hear when a crash is caused by the absolute selfishness of a drink driver.

There’s a very good reason why there is a drink drive limit – alcohol affects our brain and impairs our judgement and cognitive ability; both vital requirements to have working properly when driving. And we all know that breaching the safe alcohol limit is against the law for the very good reason that its puts the driver and other people on the roads in serious danger.

So why do people still do it!? And what are the tragic consequences…

Well, having never even considered drinking and driving myself, the reasons as to why an individual chooses to do so are beyond me. Perhaps they think the alcohol will not affect them too badly, or perhaps they just don’t think they will get caught. But these sorts of thoughts don’t take in to consideration the safety of others – and here’s a story from The Mirror (source/) that demonstrates the tragic consequences of mixing drink with driving.

According to the report, a grandmother has been killed, and her two grandchildren left seriously injured, when a suspected drunk driver drove in to them after losing control of a sports car and landing on the pavement after striking a lamppost. The 59 year old grandmother died at the scene following a suspected heart attack from her injuries, leaving the five year old girl and nine year old boy fighting for their lives having been airlifted by paramedics to John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford. The boy has a fractured skull, and the girl is described as being in a serious condition.

It’s an absolute tragedy of a story, and really hits home the terrible consequences of consuming alcohol and getting behind the wheel of a vehicle. Witnesses described the scene as “absolutely ghastly”, with many people in shock, and a stream of 999 calls made. Police have stated that a 46 year old woman has been arrested on suspicion of drink driving and causing death by dangerous driving.

Drink driving is a serious offence alone; the reason being because the consequences of causing an accident through drink driving can be absolutely terrible. This story is a clear example of this. Even if the driver is found guilty of drink driving and causing death by dangerous driving, the damage done is irreparable. Drink driving is a selfish act that puts the lives of others in serious danger, and I can never understand just why people do it.

Any driver that causes injury through their negligent driving is liable to compensate the victims for their suffering. An independent firm of specialist injury lawyers are best equipped to provide you the representation you need to make a claim for compensation from a negligent driver.

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