Cyclist Injured After Hit And Run Accident

Police in Edinburgh are appealing for witnesses after an accident on 15th June in which a female cyclist was left with multiple injuries after being hit by a driver who failed to stop and fled the scene.

The accident happened at approximately 8.30am on Dalmeny Street, Edinburgh and a number of people stopped to assist the woman. Police have so far interviewed a number of witnesses but as yet have been unable to obtain enough information to allow them to trace the driver who was believed to have been driving a greyish-blue car.

A Sergeant with Edinburgh Police released a statement asking for any further witnesses to come forward to assist them with getting to the bottom of what happened. He also stated that “of course we want to speak to the driver of the car who we urge to make himself known to the police. If the driver has done nothing wrong and was just on their way to work or school we will get to the bottom of it. They may not even have realised they were involved”. (source)

The 27 year old cyclist was rushed to hospital and suffered head injuries and a fractured collar bone. She is still in hospital and her condition is not life threatening, however due to the injuries sustained to her head she has been so far unable to remember exactly what happened, or remember any details of the driver who hit her.

The woman injured in this report is clearly very lucky, despite her injuries which could have been a lot worse. She may have being the victim of a negligent and careless driver – If you are unfortunate to be involved in a similar incident then you need to ensure that you seek assistance from specialist personal injury lawyers, such as ourselves. We can give you comprehensive advice and ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve.

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