Exploding Cleaning Product Injures Pensioner

Sky and BBC news have recently published reports regarding an elderly woman who sustained injuries when a cleaning product exploded in her face.

Grandmother, Sheila Insch, was in the process of unblocking her drain using a product called ‘Dr Drain’ at her home in Hampshire when the product suddenly exploded causing the substance to splash all over her face. Mrs. Insch was rushed to Southampton General Hospital by her daughter where she received treatment for facial burns. However, Doctors have stated that she was lucky not to lose her eyesight and it was only the instinctive reaction of closing her eyes that prevented this.

Mrs. Insch said she experienced extreme pain and has issued a warning to others using similar products and has confirmed that she followed the instructions provided with the product in full. She said “I read the instructions and put two drops in. It started to bubble so I turned round to see what was happening and it exploded. It hit the ceiling and went straight into my face. I just grabbed something to wipe my face and I kept washing my face all the way to hospital. It was terribly painful, burning, it hurt“. Her daughter also described her horror and anguish stating “There’s nothing you could say to actually describe seeing your mother’s face melting in front of you“.

The product has currently been taken off the shelves of many retailers whilst the manufacturers, Extreme Green, are making investigations into the incident and are assisting trading standards with their enquiries to try and establish the cause of the accident. The company’s head chemist has defended their product saying that if it was used correctly the product is safe. He also said that incidents such as this are rare and that “It clearly states that this product will react violently if it is in contact with other products and I would suspect there was something else down her drain for it to react in such a way“.

Many people are injured by faulty goods and products every year and, if you have suffered injuries as a result of a faulty product you may be entitled to claim for compensation. When considering whether to make a claim it is important that you seek legal advice from a firm of solicitors, such as ourselves, who specialize in personal injury cases and deal with product liability cases on a daily basis. We will give you free, no obligation, professional legal advice and, if we consider that the case will be successful, we will take the case on and offer you a genuine no-win no-fee agreement that GUARANTEES that you receive 100% of your compensation.

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