Slips and Trips Claim Guide

People fall over all the time, it’s more common for the elderly to trip and they aren’t as responsive as they once may have been. Sometime the falls happen because the person in question looses balance etc. but sometime the falls can happen as a result of someone else’s negligence.

Many people are unaware that if you have an accident on a public road or footpath and the accident has happened because of a defect in the road then you may potentially have a valuable claim for compensation.

The council are required to maintain public footpaths and public highways, if this hasn’t happened then the council may be negligent.

If you have had a fall and you feel that the defect causing your fall was the fault of someone else’s negligence then you should consider doing the following; Record the circumstances soon after the event so that everything is still fresh in your mind. Record why you feel you had the accident in the first place. Take photographs of the area that caused you to fall; this can be used as crucial evidence in any claim for compensation. Also, if you know, record the details of who the piece of land belongs to.

You should always seek medical attention after any accident, your injuries may not be apparent immediately. The doctor will be able to asses you and provide treatment where necessary. Should you choose to claim for compensation then your medical records will also come in use as evidence to support your claim.

Your injuries may have meant that you have had to take time off work. If this is the case and you have had a loss of earning as a result of the accident, make sure you record the details as they can be included in your claim for compensation. The same also applies to any expenses which you have incurred as a result of the accident, for example you may have needed to pay for physiotherapy treatment or you may have had to pay prescription fees. Save all receipts as again they can be included in your claim for compensation.

Always shop around for the best Personal Injury Law firm for you. The same goes for most things, you want the best result. So do your research into the different law firms and find out who is going to achieve the best result for you. It’s always advisable to place your claim with an independent firm of solicitors as they will achieve the best result for you and will also probably provide you with the best service as their priorities will lie with you rather than any companies they may be tied to.

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