Holidays Gone Wrong!

It’s very common these days for people to go on holiday to get away from it all and take a nice break. What most people don’t expect is for their holiday to turn into a nightmare! If you have had an accident whilst on holiday, that wasn’t your fault, you may wish to think about placing a claim.

A lot of people might not consider the possibilities of placing a claim and sometimes the claims can be a little trickier than normal due to the different law’s that are in place in other countries. However, if you have been on holiday as part of a package deal, it may in fact be easier than you think. For example, if you have had an accident in your hotel or apartment such as slipping on a wet floor or injuring yourself on an unsafe object where no warning signs were in place to alert you of the dangers then the claim would be placed against the package provider.

All holiday providers have a duty of care to their customers and should anything go wrong they should also have insurance to cover them against any such instances. Your compensation money will therefore come from this insurance.

If you think you do have a potential claim then the best thing to do is to firstly record all the circumstances. Take notes of things like whose fault you believed it to be, how you think the accident could have been prevented. This statement will be very useful for your claim for compensation, try and record the details as soon after the event as possible that way the events will still be fresh in your mind. If possible, also take photographs of what it was that caused your accident, this can be very useful information as proof of causation.

Always seek medical attention after any accident, to receive any treatment necessary. Your medical records will also be used in your claim for compensation. If possible take photographs of any visible injuries i.e. bruising, cuts and grazes.

If you need any help, or wish to discuss your potential claim, then please feel free to give us a call and we will try to assist.

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