Back Pain

I don’t know about you but I find that we are always being told different things following more and more research into back ache and to be quite frank, never know whether we are coming or going.

Many of us have suffered with back pain at some point in our lives; for many of us it can be severe and debilitating with a life of constant suffering.

We see experts, physiotherapists, chiropractors etc and what is the one thing they all reiterate? It is important to maintain a good posture at all times as poor posture is the most common cause of back pain amongst us.

Today, on the BBC News website, I read an article which now suggests that sitting in an upright, at a 90 degree position actually puts unnecessary strain and pressure on the spine. This sought of pressure can lead to disc movement and ultimately severe back problems for many.

Scottish and Canadian researchers carried out this latest study and concluded that the best angle to be sat at is 135 degrees, in an almost reclined position.

Realistically, sitting at a 135 degree angle poses some difficulties as you can potentially slide from your seat and will also find it much more difficult to work at your computer if you have a desk based job.

One expert from the charity, Backcare, suggested that maybe sitting in a position of 120 degrees or less would be more appropriate and realistic for day to day activities.

So does this new research push out all the previous advice we have ever been provided with? I cannot say for sure and obviously each and every person’s circumstances differ and you should always seek the advice of your GP if your back pain is causing you significant discomfort on a day to day basis.

If you do suffer with back pain as a result of your seating position at work you should always raise this with your Employer and discuss whether or not anything can be done to assist you.

If you find that your Employer does not respond to your queries and fails to do anything to address your needs and you continue to suffer you may be able to make a claim for compensation. If your Employer continually fails to address your needs then it is likely they will be in breach of their duty of care to you and you may be entitled to bring a claim against them.

If you think you may be suffering due to the negligence of your Employer then please seek legal advice from a specialist firm of personal injury lawyers such as us. We can offer you no obligation advice and we work on a 100% no win no fee basis.

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