Charity Fund Raisers Beaten Up in Training

It has been reported in recent news that three young men have been beaten up by a gang of youths whilst training for a charity walk raising funds for Cancer Research UK. Gareth Cottrell, Fraser Cottrell and their friend John Fitzpatrick were training for the 125 mile walk they planed to do to try and raise £1,000.00 for their chosen charity.

The three men were out walking a four mile circuit in Stalybridge near Manchester when a group of ten youths, who were drinking and fishing, started shouted abuse at the three walkers and started pelting stones at them. The three walkers tried to hastily walk away from the gang when they were followed and a violent attack started. Reportedly, Gareth saw a man of around 40 years of age approach, Gareth hoped that the man would put a stop to the attack but instead the man joined in and slashed Gareth’s face with a key. Fraser and John were left badly bruised from being repeatedly kicked and punched in the face and body.

The hate–filled attack left the walkers feeling depressed that a good deed could result in such violence.

This is a very upsetting story to hear about as it just shows that such youths appear to have no conscience at all to attack and injure a group of walkers when they were completing a very reputable deed. Enquiries are being carried out by Greater Manchester Police; hopefully the violent gang will be caught to prevent attacks on any other innocent people.

If you have been injured because you have been attacked for no apparent reason you may wish to think about placing a claim for compensation. The claim will be dealt with by the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority; they are a government body who deal with violent acts of crime. You can place a claim with the CICA directly but we usually find that claims are under- settled if you don’t have representation. 

If you would like to talk to someone about placing a claim with the CICA then please feel free to give us a call and one of our Specialist Injury Lawyers will be very happy to discuss the details with you and provide you with non – obligation, legal advice. We would advise you to obtain representation as this way you can achieve the maximum compensation you are entitled to.

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