Computers = Chocolate Addiction?

We’ve all got our excuses for eating too many chocolate bars at work haven’t we? I was too busy to stop and eat a proper lunch. Stress leads me to chocolate. I won’t be home until late so I ate a chocolate bar to keep me going.

But what if there is a scientific reason behind why we reach for the sweets and chocolates when we are sat at our computer all day?

I read a very interesting article on the Daily Mail website recently, regarding a study which has taken place in Stockholm by a Dr Chaput.

He carried out a study on a group of female students whereby one group were asked to relax for 45 minutes and the other group were asked some information into an on-screen summary. Following the task the group were given access to a buffet whereby the girls who had completed the computer-based task ate 230 more calories than the group who had been asked to relax. Fatty foods and chocolate were popular choices amongst the girls who had been involved in the computer based task.

Experiments which were carried out during the task showed the computer based students “blood sugar levels to fluctuate” and “hunger hormones to rise”.

Suggestions were made that individuals working at computers should take regular screen breaks and even consider standing up whilst working! Obviously this is an unrealistic approach to dealing with the matter as standing up all day in one position will lead to further complications.

Further advice for dealing with the matter would be the suggestion that you should ensure you have a regular exercise regime which will help to battle any cravings you get whilst sitting at your desk all day.

I’m not sure how much ‘truth’ is behind this latest research however for now, it will certainly do us ladies for another excuse for eating all that chocolate!

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