DIY Tattoos

Tattoos are now more popular than ever; apparently one in three British adults have one. And that comes as no surprise considering how mainstream they have now become – even all the celebrities show them off!

Recently, tattooing has become so popular that people are attempting DIY tattoos at home! Trained tattoo artists say they are becoming increasingly worried about the number of people who request they cover up a “bodge job amateur attempt” at inking.

DIY kits can be purchased through internet sites for as little as £60.00!! (Which ironically is probably the going rate for a small sized tattoo by a professional tattooist these days!) It’s easy to see the attraction and why so many people are giving their artwork a go.

The problem with the DIY tattoos is that you’re leaving yourself open to a high risk of infection. Environmental health professionals are calling for the DIY home kits to be banned.

In reality, there is no law to say you cannot tattoo yourself, after all – your body is yours, and not something owned by the state.

Tattooing others however must be done under supervised licensed premises. Additionally, both the tattooist and client must be over the age of 18. There are regulations in place to ensure health and safety procedures are followed, and correct kit and equipment are to be used. The highest safety precautions are to be followed at all times by professional tattoo artists to reduce the risk of infections and/or injuries, for example, if equipment is not sterilised properly, people can run the risk of being infected with diseases that spread through the blood – such as HIV or hepatitis C.

There are also possibilities of being branded for life with embarrassing messy tattoos; or worse – allergic reactions to ink, as well as other possible serious injuries.

Whilst tattooing by professionals within a parlour is not 100% safe the risks are much lower than the DIY inking.

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