Personal Injury Taxi Accidents Claims

Taxi accidents are more frequent than people realise and it often leaves the passengers in what feels like a very awkward position, as after al,l they may wonder what they can do as they were only a passenger. Well it is possible to make a claim for compensation for the injuries you have suffered.

The claim you chose to make will be placed against the party at fault in the accident, they should have insurance to cover them for any accidents. The insurance will cover any amounts of compensation that you are entitled to.

Taxi accidents can be very serious like any other road traffic accident; you may have been rushed to hospital and suffered from many injuries. If that is the case then it would be advisable for you to place a claim for compensation to help you manage your injuries and losses.

As a passenger in a vehicle, potentially your claim for compensation should be very straight forward as if you had no involvement in the cause of the accident; you are considered an innocent party, which leaves no question over liability.

If you can, try and record the circumstances of the accident. Try to do this as soon after the event as possible so that everything is still fresh in your mind. It’s never very nice to have to recall the circumstances of a bad experience but the statement of events will be very useful in your claim for compensation.

If you have visible injuries such as cuts and bruising then it may be an idea to take photographs as the photographs will support your claim.

If you have had to pay for any treatment costs as a result of your accident then these are expenses that can be included in your claim for compensation. You may have had to take time of work and if you have had a loss of earnings then, again these potentially can be claimed back for you. Try to keep a record of all expenses that you have had to pay for; it’s very helpful if you can keep the receipts as proof.

If you are unsure of what to do, then please feel free to give us a call and we will assist you wherever possible. It is always recommended that you place your claim for compensation with an independent firm of solicitors. Independent Solicitors will aim to recover the maximum compensation you are entitled to and aren’t tied to any insurance or claims management companies.

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