Olympian Injured in Bicycle Accident

British double Olympic champion rower, James Cracknell OBE, has been seriously injured after a bicycle accident in Arizona, USA.

The accident happened whilst 38 year old Cracknell, who won gold medals for rowing in the Olympics in Sydney 200 and Athens 2004, was filming a new TV series for the Discovery Channel and the BBC called ‘Cracknell’s Race Across America’ which involves him running, cycling and rowing across the United States when . Cracknell was cycling along a 2,500-mile stretch of Route 66 at around 5.30am on 20th July when he was hit from behind by a truck causing him to be flung off his bicycle. He was rushed to a hospital in Phoenix, Arizona where he was treated for a fractured skull and bruising to his brain in the neuro-trauma ward and he is now out of intensive care and believed to be making a good recovery.

A spokesperson for the Discovery channel made the following statement:

“James Cracknell was involved in a road traffic accident whilst cycling in Winslow, Arizona. He was taken to hospital where he is being treated for a head injury. He is conscious and his condition is stable; doctors have said he is making very good progress. His wife and family are with him as he continues to recover.”

It is believed that Cracknell’s cycling helmet had saved his life as it took the brunt of the impact and Cracknell’s friend and fellow adventurer; Ben Fogle has also paid tribute to his strong will. He said: “My thoughts and prayers go to James and his family at this anxious time. Having spent many months in some of the toughest places on earth with him, I know how strong-willed he is and I’m sure he’ll bounce back soon”. He also said that he was “lucky to survive” the accident.

Details of the driver who hit Mr. Cracknell have not yet been released however Arizona State Police are understood to have launched an investigation into the accident and are considering whether or not to prosecute.

Road Traffic Accidents are increasing every year and many people suffer injuries as a result of the negligent driving of other road users which can range from minor injuries to more serious injuries as detailed in the article above or, in the worst case scenario, death. If you are involved in a road accident that was not your fault, either as another motor vehicle driver, cyclist, or pedestrian, then be sure to contact independent specialist personal injury lawyers such as yourselves who can claim compensation for your injuries as well as any financial losses you have incurred.

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