Footballer Escapes Exploding Car!

Road Traffic accidents are on the increase. Sky News reports that Man Utd’s midfielder Anderson was actually pulled out of his fabulous Audi R8, unconscious, just moments before the burning car exploded!

Amazingly the football star only had minor injuries after his near death crash experience on the rural roads of Geres in Portugal.

Anderson signed a £18million contract three years ago with the popular Man Utd Team. The Brazilian born player spent the night in Sardinha Biba night club before he left in his Audi worth an estimated £125,000.

The crash was believed to have happened at 7am Sunday morning. The star hit a farm wall and his car was spun and thrown into a nearby field.

This just shows that quite often road accidents can occur with just one vehicle. As strange as this may sound it only takes that momentary loss of control and an accident can occur. The exact circumstances of this incident are unclear but as far as witnesses are concerned there was no other vehicle involved in the collision the driver of this beautiful car simply lost control.

Rural roads are a particular hot spot for accidents particularly to people who have these sports cars and wish to feel the thrill of the roads by speeding through these narrow winding roads.

Sadly this is when most accidents are likely to occur. There is a great deal of thrill but that derives from the high amount of danger that they are exposed to. A lot of people think “oh ill be able to stop when I need to” and “that would never happen to me”. I bet Anderson thought the same but sadly he was wrong. There needs to be more awareness amongst drivers, just because the rural roads are normally quieter shouldn’t make you feel any safer. If anything there more dangerous than the busy roads because visibility is very poor and road surfaces aren’t always intact.

Luckily Anderson was ok but looking at the remains of this £125,000 car he is more than lucky to be alive.

Even more shockingly to hear was that though this car is a luxury 2 seater Anderson was travelling with 2 other people! So obviously something has been going on. By law everyone needs to have their own seat with their own seatbelt. Perhaps if Anderson had thought of this before overloading this vehicle there may have been fewer distractions in the car and an accident wouldn’t have occurred??

A lot of young drivers often cram a lot of people into one car. There is a reason that only a certain amount of seat belts are provided and it’s for no other reason than safety. The rule should be that a driver says if you don’t have your own seatbelt then you can’t travel! A lot of Accidents are caused by the driver being distracted or talking to their friends whilst driving. Something that seems so innocent can be so dangerous.

It’s a lot safer to make two journeys than to try to take everyone at once and suffer a crash like Anderson. He was lucky there were people nearby to help him out of the car or he would have died in the explosion.  

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