Contractor Crushed at Corus Steel Plant

Everyone should feel that they and their loved ones are safe when at work, however the latest news that a contractor has died at the Corus Steel Works Plant in Scunthorpe puts doubt in our mind.

Barry Shaw, aged 53 was crushed between a lorry tractor and a trailer when working at the Steel Plant on 28 August.

This is the second death to take place within the Company in the past four months. It follows the death of Thomas Standerline, aged 26 who died whilst working at the Steel Works in Burton-Upon-Stather.

Officers from Humberside Police and the Health and Safety are now looking into the incident. But is that enough to put our minds at rest?

The government states that your employer has to carry out a risk assessment, this means working out how many first aiders are needed onsite and what kind of equipment and facilities should be provided.

They also state that any injuries that take place at work should be recorded, and that if you have been injured and you believe that your company is at fault you are entitled to make a claim for compensation.

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