Lorry Crashes into Home of Sleeping Family

A Family of three are thanking their lucky stars as no one is injured when a lorry ploughed through a ware house next to their home in the middle of the night.

The couple and their 15-month-old baby are lucky to be alive as the lorry missed their bedroom by feet.

Andy and Ruth Alcroft and their daughter Taryn were sleeping at their house in Linstock, Cumbria, when an uncontrollable vehicle slid off the road and into the building next to their house.

Mr Alcroft woke up and immediately dialled 999, where fire and ambulance services arrived at the scene.

The 58-year-old lorry driver, who was badly hurt and trapped inside his cabin, was then freed by the fire service, which had to use small tools to cut him free.

He was then taken to the Cumberland Infirmary in Carlisle where his injuries are said not to be life threatening.

Mrs Alcroft, 33, a supply teacher, told the Daily Mirror, “I heard a loud rumbling noise, followed by a crash, which woke me up.

“We looked out of the window to see that a lorry was sticking out of the workshop.”

The white Scania lorry has skid of the road when travelling towards Carlisle from the M6 motorway, then making a beeline for the small workshop after it drifted across the roundabout.  

The workshop which belonged to R.J. Telford & Sons joinery business was completely demolished in the accident.

Mrs Alcroft explained to the Daily Mirror that this is not the first time this has happened. She said: “Cars have crashed into the house before. If you look at the outside of our house, you can see that the front window has been replaced with bricks.”

After the incident had been taken care of the Alcroft family said that there was nothing else for them to do but to go to bed and enjoy the rest of their night’s sleep.

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