Road Traffic Accidents: Passengers

Do you know your rights when you are a passenger in another vehicle? If not then what you’re about to read maybe crucial to whether or not you have the right to make a claim.

When a driver makes the choice to carry passengers in their vehicle the life of those passengers then becomes the drivers responsibility. It is their duty to drive responsibly, and make sure that they don’t cause their passengers anything that may cause them injury.

The driver also has a duty to end the journey in a place where passengers may safely leave the vehicle. For example, stopping on a motorway or in the middle of a duel carriageway is not a safe place.

What a lot of passengers don’t realise, and this often leaves thousands of pounds left unclaimed, is that if they do suffer any injury whilst travelling in a car, although they may not have motor insurance themselves, they still have the right to claim off of the policy holder who was driving the vehicle they were travelling in that caused them injury at the time.

For example if the car they were in crashed causing them injury, and it was the drivers fault, then they would be able to claim damages from the driver’s insurance policy.

Here at The Injury Lawyers we believe that everyone who has suffered injury through the negligence of others should be fully compensated for their injury.

If you believe you have a claim, or know of someone who does then why not get in touch with us for a free quotation. If we believe you have a valid claim then we will do everything we can to hold those responsible to account, on a 100% guaranteed no win no fee basis.

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